Friday, August 28, 2009

MSNBC Spins Town Hall Gun-Toters as Racism

The news media just keeps getting more and more fun everyday, doesn't it? On August 18th, MSNBC news reporters did a segment on gun-toting protesters and their attendance at town hall meetings, specifically the one lead by President Obama in Phoenix, AZ last week. One particular gentleman that seemed to be the focus of the broadcast reportedly arrived at the President's town hall, with an AR-15 semi-automatic assualt rife slung over his shoulder, and a pistol on his hip. Now, if this were a commentary on the relationship between people bringing weapons with them to town hall meetings and the general feeling of civil unrest in our country right now, that would have been an interesting factoid about the gentlemen with the guns.

However, MSNBC didn't go that route. Far from it. The anchorwoman goes on to state, "...there are questions as to whether this has racial overtones. I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waist." The camera then cuts to a clip of the torso of a gentleman in a white button-down long sleeve shirt, with aforementioned firearms on his person. And the discussion continues, "There is tremendous anger in this country about government...anger about a black person being president. You know, we see these hate groups rising up and this is definitely part of that." Now, that's a serious accusation, lobbing this man into a racist hate group because he is carrying a firearm.

Ok, so we have white angry people showing up to town hall meetings with guns, to intimidate our President? Or is it black people in general, that these gun owners hate? Which is it, MSNBC? They made it clear, in this report, that the gun issue here was about race. Angry white people carrying guns because we have a black president. I think we're beginning to wear a hole clean through the ol' race card because it's being played so much in this administration. Oh but it doesn't stop there. The reporter went on to say, "I'm not gonna be surprised if we see somebody get a chance and take a chance to really try to hurt him [President Obama], and it's up to the Secret Service to make sure it doesn't become history. 'Cause there's so much anger in the country about him, and about government." God forbid. Why would you even breathe that thought on a news broadcast?

And the icing on the cake, ladies and gentleman. Interestingly enough, CNN reported on the same town hall meeting, but they actually interviewed the man with the AR-15, who scandalously admitted the gun was loaded (Of course it was loaded. Why would you bring a gun anywhere that wasn't loaded? That makes about as much sense as having a car but not putting any gas in it.) And guess what folks? That angry racist loaded-semi-automatic-assault-rifle-carrying man.... was, in fact, a black man. MSNBC cropped his head out of the pictures during their broadcast, so all you could see was his white shirt and his guns. You can view the contrasting videos side by side and see for yourself:

Was this just sloppiness on the part of MSNBC or intentionally manipulated to perpetuate an agenda? You make the call. Either way, it's unacceptable. And to add insult to injury, not only did they misreport on the man's race but they overtly accused pro-gun town hall participants of being racist. If FOX news were responsible for a gaff of this magnitude, you would see it broadcast on every channel at every hour for a week straight.

So perhaps, just perhaps, the anger at these town hall meetings is not a right-wing conspiracy orchestrated by the GOP, but reflecting some genuine outrage at our government, our elected officials, and the media's spin on the whole thing. I believe the unrest is a truly American attempt to fight back. And the unrest we see at these town halls gives me hope, that not every American is complacent and comfortable and disinterested. I would also like to add that the man was not breaking the law, he had a concealed carry permit in the state and had every right to carry those weapons wherever he wanted to, including to a town hall meeting where Our President was speaking. That's what the second amendment is. It's a right... to bear arms. And he was bearing them. I might add, if this trend of government expansion continues, and the Fed gets its sticky fingers into all sects of American life, and the rest of our nation wakes up and decides it wants to put the brakes on this whole "let the government take care of me" attitude, the socio-economic ball may just be rolling too fast at that point. And it's only going to be the armed Americans who are going to be able to protect themselves and their families. That's why the second amendment exists. To constitutionally protect the American people from its own government, which I remind you, is most definitely armed.

"...and the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

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